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Copper & Silver Mask (구리 마스크 및 실버 마스크)

Joyatwork 0 11018


안녕하세요구리 마스크 및 실버 마스크에 관심 있으시면 연락 주세요   

Silver Mask / Copper Mask

Anti-Bacterial Waterproof/ Water- Resistance: In order for the saliva to not leak out and for the purpose of more splash protection with special processing treatment. Feel So Cool:
Made of Coolon fabric for Silver and Copper yarn that can be used comfortably in hot weather Wearing Breath-Free: Soft, comfortable and breathes freely, skin-friendly,
Washable Quick Dry: Sweat drains rapidly and dries quickly Not hurt ears while wearing for a long time More Slighter / Lighter: does not hurt ears while wearing for a long time:
Three-dimensional structure prevents suppression and feels perfect in every all face shape.
The silver component inside the yarn is made with special technology and suppresses microbial growth, and eliminates secondary odor, even after washing several times with excellent antibacterial performance.
UV Protection: Ultraviolet rays that penetrate deep into this skin block.
Option: Selective Colors
Made in Korea

참고적으로 저희가 하고 있는 제품을 더 추가하여 말씀드립니다 하기 품목을 참조하시기 바랍니다

1.   Hand Disinfectant (Alcohol-Free multi-sanitizer) / Cleansing Gel

(알코올이 전혀 들어가지 않은 소독: 20L, 4L, 150ml, 100ml, 80ml

2.    Protecting Uniform (Coverall Suit & Overshoe):

심실링(Seam sealing) 처리 및 실을 사용하지 않은 보호복/방어복 Available

3.    Non-Contact Thermometer:

독일, 일본, 대만 부품을 사용한 FDA, CE 승인된 체온계

4.    Mask: 마스크 류  

.- FDA & CE Certificate 3 Layer Mask.

.- KF-94 Mask (KF-94 마스크 전체)

-, Air Queen

-. Soomlab

5.  Silver & Copper Mask & Cotton/ Copper Mask

(자체 생산한 마스크: 재사용 가능한 구리, 은 및 면/구리 마스크 Washable / Reusable

5.    Medical Scrubs & Gowns:

수술용 가운 Available

13. Antibacterial Wipes/ Tissues

   소독용 티슈 Available


Please contact us at

 WhatsApp: +82 10 6887 7219 (www.whatsapp.com/download/, WeChat, and Line, or  이메일 e-mail: joyatwork@naver.com로 연락을 주시거나

카카오톡 번호: +82 10 6887 7219로 문의 바랍니다






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